Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I Wanna Go

A couple days ago, I was talking with Caressa and we both caught ourself talking about home like it was just a past memory, something that we aren't a part of anymore. This scared us, but also made me realize and see that I am settled here. Missing home and all the loved people there is a daily thing, but learning how to cope with it has become easy. I learn new things on a weekly basis, and living in a complete new world on my own has forced me to grow up fast. I am so thankful for this. I get so caught up in the big things happening here that I don't acknowledge the small lessons that are changing who I am and allowing me to grow. It is so cool to sit back and look at the big picture. I had no idea what I was getting myself into and my expectations have definitely been exceeded and I still have 2 months left, a break, and then 6 more months in Australia.

I have all of a sudden gotten the itch to travel. I want to go to every beach in Australia. I want to go to Fiji and I really want to go to Bali before I come home next July. To start checking off the list of locations, some friends and I are going to Port Macquarie. Here is a photo. It is about four hours from where we live and pictures I have seen are gorgeous. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will be getting a plane ticket to Bali for Christmas so Caressa and I can go with new friends before school starts back next semester, but we will just have to see. Realizing how long and exhausting the flight is to get to this side of the world, I want to go to all the beautiful places here while I can.

School is still school, but incredible to be surrounded by students learning with the same passion as you. Students who hold you accountable, pray with you, and that you can be inspired by. Coming home and going back to normal college will be a weird transition, but what good would we be as Christians if we all stayed together in bible college and didn't do what we were put here to do, reach out. I have successfully taken God out of the box that I had him in before I came here. He has blown me away repetitively with how he's changing my life, the right people he has brought into my life, the relationships he has restored, his provision, and little things like a whole new meaning of the lyrics I sing when I worship. It is all so cool. I couldn't imagine another way to live and I would love for everyone to feel rescued, captivated, and embraced by God like I have. No words can describe it. Time is flying by here, one day it's the first day of the month then I blink and its the 30th. I love it because I am missing my family and friends back home so much!! The excitement of December first when I get off of the airplane builds daily. It wil be glorious.

A book that I just started and would definitely recommend is "Crazy Love." My house mate told me to read it and the first chapter alone was amazing. (and i'm not a big book reader) It is a really cool way to see God and the author has a unique way of explaining God's love.

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